
What is Dash

Dash aims to offer a faster and more user-friendly alternative to Bitcoin by addressing some of its scalability issues. It uses a two-tier network architecture where the first tier is the traditional blockchain used by Bitcoin, while the second tier is composed of masternodes that perform advanced functions such as enabling private transactions and enabling the governance system.

Dash funding

The Dash project is governed by voting masternode owners. Subprojects that need funding can request it and the masternode owner vote to decide if the funding goes trhough or not.This way the community has a direct say in the direction of the project and provides a mechanism for funding new developments. The payments are made in newly generated Dash coins.


Some history of Dash

Dash was created in 2014 and was originally named Xcoin. It was later renamed to Darkcoin and finally to Dash, which is a portmanteau of "digital cash."

Blockexplorers for Dash

There are more explorers available for Dash :

explorer 1
explorer 2
explorer 3
explorer 4

Dash Social media

The most important social media and chat channels are :


The project website

Dash official website


The main usecase is payment , what sounds logical for a coin. Direct wallet to wallet payments work well, Dash is also accepted in many webshops. Last but not least , some debit cards can be funded with dash, then you can pay at every place where visa or mastercard is accepted without the receiver even knowing you paid with crypto.

More information links

The future of Dash


Mining Dash

Dash is running on the X11 algorithm. You can mine Dash , but special hardware for X11 is needed. Just a home computer is not enough.

Dash review

Dash has established itself as a popular and well-established cryptocurrency with a strong community and ecosystem. Dash has a strong focus on innovation and has already made significant advancements in areas such as governance, privacy, and transaction speed. Continual development and improvement of the Dash network could be a key factor in its success.

Dash Masternodes

To run a masternode, an individual or organization must hold a certain amount of Dash as collateral and have the technical expertise to set up and run a server. To run a masternode on on DASH a collateral of exactly 1,000 Dash is required.

This page is last updated on 2023-02-12 13:24:27
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